Using EventWeb Servlets

EventWeb was developed with Java servlets in mind. It allows a live data connection to the applications running in a J2EE servlet and/or EJB environment.

It is assumed that the user running EventWeb servlets is familiar with servlets, has an application server running, and understands the details of installing and running servlets in that environment. The main development and test environment for EventWeb servlets is Apache Tomcat, but it should be compatible with any servlet engine.

The servlet classes are in lib/eventweb, and the source files are in Source/EvwServ/eventweb.

There are four war files in the bin folder that may save some work deploying the demos. The Ec versions use native EventWeb channels, and the Ws versions use WebSocket channels.

The Backchannel Tester War File

EvwTestXx.war bundles up the files needed to run SimpleBcTestSrvc as a servlet. The web files (html, JavaScript, css) needed to run the test are included in the war.

On Tomcat with the built in http server, this provides everything you need to run the test. (But we don't guarantee this for every configuration.)

The EvwDemos War File

EvwDemosXx.war bundles up the server side files for the demos, but does not include the web files. This was done because we expect most implementations will server the web files from a separate web server that has hooks to the application server, and we didn't want to include a lot of unneeded files.

If you use the EvwDemos applet as is, you will need to edit the EvwConfig.js file in the Resources folder.
If the servlet is listening on port 8080:

You will probably need to serve the demo pages from your web server. In most cases java applets won't load in pages served from a file:// URL.

There is an optional task in the BuildWarFiles.xml build file that will add the web files to EvwDemos.war if you want them. You can run "ant -f BuildWarFiles.xml AddDemosHtml" to add the files.

The EvwDemos.war file works as is on our Linux test system, (Ubuntu 14.04, Tomcat 7.0, Apache 2.4). On our Windows test system, (Windows 7, Tomcat 7.0), we have to fix the file paths in RqstRouterServlet.ini. Other environments are likely to need adjustments as well. However, it should be helpful when deciding how to configure the demos, and you can use it as a starting point for your configuration.

04/11/17  swt