Running the Legacy Demos

Running the Legacy Demos in the Stand-alone Server

Start the server

After the server starts, the demos are pretty much the same as the new architecture demos, with some minor differences.

Run the demos

Most of the demos are the same as the new architecture demos

Message Box, Slide Show, Quote of the Hour, and System Information are the same as their new architecture counterparts.

The Bulletin Board Demo

There is no legacy Bulletin Board demo.

The Broadcast Tool Demo

This demo does not use the web browser. It doesn't matter whether you're using legacy or new architecture service providers.

The template context provider service

The other legacy template service is TpltEvwCtxtProvSrvc. There is no demo specifically for this service, but you can access it using the Backchannel Tester. This template provides the same functionality as the SimpleBcTestSrvr you ran earlier.

TpltEvwCtxtProvSrvc and SimpleBcTestSrvc are not the same. This is intentional. The template service uses the full EventWeb architecture, which is designed to allow new services to be created with a minimum of new code, and minimum duplication of existing code. This is what we want for a production environment, but not the easiest for a newcomer to figure out.

SimpleBcTestSrvr was written to be both a tester and an example application with the fewest possible moving parts. It is coded to do one thing and only use the classes necessary for that.

The idea is that a newcomer can study the SimpleBcTestSrvr source code to get the basics of how EventWeb works. With that understanding, it should be a lot easier to understand the full architecture. Once you understand SimpleBcTestSrvc, comparing it with TpltEvwCtxtProvSrvc should be educational.

Stopping the server

The EventWeb Server Controller can be used to stop the server. But, for the demos, there is no harm in just killing the server process, (Ctrl-C on Windows, Works on Ubuntu too).

Running the Legacy Demos in Servlets

Build the Webapp

There is a script in the Source folder that will replace EvwDemos.war with a version that uses the legacy demos. If you want to keep the new architecture version, back it up before building the legacy version.

If you check the creation date on EvwDemos.war in the bin folder, it should now have the current date.
If you want to add the web files you can run "ant -f BuildLegacyWarFiles.xml AddDemosHtml"

Deploy the Webapp

Deployment is the same as described in Using EventWeb Servlets

11/15/16  swt